Guru Binar

Learn, Teach, Accelerate On Education.

The Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF), as an organization dedicated to enhancing educational quality, initiated Guru Binar in response to the Covid-19 pandemic’s impact on professional development access for teachers in Indonesia. Guru Binar serves as a platform for teacher career development through training and a variety of holistic, integrated, and systematic professional growth initiatives. Its goal is to enhance teacher training access through structured, measurable training that aligns with individual needs, enabling participants to learn anytime, anywhere online (self-paced learning).

Guru Binar embodies an enthusiastic, creative, adaptive, and lifelong learner teacher who consistently contributes to a supportive professional learning community.

Through Guru Binar, teachers are aided in achieving competency development and career goals by providing focused, contextual, and applicable training to optimize teaching performance in nurturing high-quality graduates.


There is no mistake in my decision to participate in the webinar program provided by Guru Binar. The materials are up to date. Thank you, Guru Binar. Suhendrik, S.Pd. SMP Negeri 186 Jakarta Teacher
A lot of new knowledge and skills, especially in teaching, have been gained from Guru Binar. Assignment deadlines are also adjusted according to each individual's time. This is truly enjoyable. Dyah Pravita Wardani, S.Pd SMK Negeri Ngraho Teacher
Saya banyak mendapat pengetahuan yang bisa diinterasikan di kelas. Pendekatan tersebut sangat mempuni untuk mengaktifkan siswa, berkolaborasi, berkomunikasi, berpikir kritis, kreatif, dan percaya diri untuk tampil di depan kelas. Kurdi SDN 1 Beleka Teacher