Guru Binar is a platform for teacher career development through comprehensive training and various holistic, integrated, and systematic professional development
Your support and partnership will enable us to continue our work to design a bright future for the nation. As an archipelagic nation full of hope, Indonesia and its people have great potential to compete in the global arena.
However, many obstacles hinder the country’s progress, including the lack of access to quality education. In 2014, The Learning Curve report by Pearson published education data for around 40 countries, and Indonesia was in last place for educational attainment. Every day, we work to empower more Indonesians of all ages to have the opportunity to realize their full potential and become leaders in their chosen fields.
Let’s all contribute to this noble cause. Join us in raising the quality of education in Indonesia. For more details on how you can contribute to our program and partner with us, please contact:
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Lighthouse School Program
Lighthouse School Program (LSP) is established to assist under-performed schools to be quality schools that would be role models among
Teacher Learning Center
Teacher Learning Center Program strives to equalize the quality of teachers and school management, with a focus on developing instructional